The ElektroPhysik GalvanoTest Coulometric Coating Thickness Gauge is a device to measure coating thickness based on the Coulometric principle and be used for virtually all electroplated single or multi-layered coatings. The electroplated coatings like chromium, nickel, cadmium, copper, brass, silver, gold, tin, zinc can be measured on metals or non-metals.
The ElektroPhysik GalvanoTest Coulometric Coating Thickness Gauge is available in two models:
GalvanoTest 2000: the electrolyte is moved by a pulsator nozzle
GalvanoTest 3000: large electrolyte volumes moved by a circulation pump enable quick serial measurements. Suited for use on very small parts and to measure gold layers.
The anodic dissolution method, also known as Faraday's Coulometric method, works on the lines of the electroplating process: electric current passed through an electrolyte separates individual metal coatings from the substrate. By measuring the current and time the Galvano Test determines the thickness of the coating separated.
Measuring range between 50 nm and 75 µm / 0.002 - 3 mils
An electrolyte beaker (accessory) to measure wires
Variable shut-down speeds to measure alloy zones
A wide range of special accessories for measurements on small components and wires
Application: Destructive measurement of: Electroplated coatings like chromium, nickel, cadmium, copper, brass, silver, gold, tin, zinc on metallic or non-metallic subs
Coating/substrate combinations:
-More than 70 coating/substrate combinations (standard version)
-Coatings on flat and curved surfaces
-Coatings on small components and wires
-10 preset types of metal: Cr, Ni, Cu, brass, Zn, Ag, Sn, Pb, Cd, Au
-8 further metal coatings for special applications
-Measuring range: 0.05…75 μm
Measuring cell: with circulation pump
Measuring surface:
-Gasket 4 mm2/6.2 x 10-3 inch2
-Mask 1 mm2/1.55 x 10-3 inch2
-Mask 0.25 mm2/0.388 x 10-3 inch2 (deplated area nearly invisible)
-Electrolyte cup 0.25 mm2 to approx. 16 mm2/(0.388–24.8) x 10-3 inch2 (optional)
Adjustable settings for optimum results:
-Maximum of 8 deplating speeds in the range of approx. 0.3–40 μm (0.012–1.57) mils/min
-Directly adjustable calibration factors; individual setting according tometal type and measuring surface
-Calibration setting with the aid of thickness standards
-Variable shut-down speed to suppress interference or for measuring alloy zonesbetween coating and substrate
Data storage with GalvanoTest:
-Number of memories for various metals: 18
-Number of readings which can be stored and evaluated: 2000
-Non-volatile memory retains all calibration settings, readings and statistical valuesafter the gauge has been switched off
Statistical evaluation:
-Display of 6 statistical values – mean value, standard deviation, coefficient of variation,number of readings, highest and lowest single reading
-Immediate or delayed display of statistical values
-Immediate or delayed print-out of readings and statistics
-Display and print-out of date and time – year, month, day, hour and minute
GalvanoTest interfaces for peripheral devices:
-Interface for MiniPrint data printer
-Interface for an RS 232 C for connection to a PC
-Analog output for connection to an x-t recorder to chart voltage curve
-Electrolyte alarm/saturation indicator
Measuring uncertainty : 5 % of reading on a measuring area of 8 mm2 after calibration
Power supply: 110/220 V 50…60 Hz/10 Watt
Dimensions and weight: 260 mm x 250 mm x 100 mm/10.24 inch, 9.85 inch, 3.94 inch; approx. 2.5 kg (gauge) support with integrated pump approx. 3.0 kg
-Print-out diagram showing measuring cell voltage levels over the coating; especially useful for detecting alloy zones between coating and substrate; with MiniPrint
-Operator guide to the alphanumeric displays with language option:German, French or English
-Unit of measurement in either metric (μm) or British system (mils)
-When switched on, the gauge displays details of the last readings
-Illuminated voltmeter for monitoring the deplating process
-Easy to use – clearly-designed controls and easy-to-follow operating instructionswith numerous examples
-Wide range of extras for measurements on small components,wire and multi-layer coatings
(1) GalvanoTest device
(1) Standard stand with measuring cell and pulsator nozzle (GalvanoTest 2000)
(1) Measuring stand with integrated circulation pump and measuring cell type 1 (GalvanoTest 3000)